Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Here Comes Peter Cottontail...

Happy Easter Everyone!

What a cutie!

...and sorry this is a few days late (well, really a few months- 4 to be exact!) and I am not going to play catch up with the past four months, can just ask me if you are dying for details about other events (although I may have to post on Kyle's New Year's Day incident...).

Anyhow, our day started out like any other Sunday. Got up, got ready, went to church...

...and were met with about 350 other people (doesn't seem like a lot, but our church is small, so it was a lot for us)! It was jam-packed, but it was great! Princess Abby was none too pleased to have to sit on my lap and insisted that she belonged in her own seat, but when I pointed out that no other little kids had their own spot, she relented. Well, the baggie full of teddy grahams, animal crackers, those little Oreo crisps, and well, let's throw in a vanilla creme cookie for good measure, helped a bit too ;)

Service was great, and a terrific reminder of God's great love for us! It truly is my favorite day of the year :) If you are interested at all in hearing the sermon, click on the link below:

After church, we headed to my Aunt Cindy's house to say hello quickly before heading over to Nana Kate's house for a picnic at her neighborhood park. We were lucky enough to see our friend Edward (he was working) and Melynda even stopped by with Gabriel and Kiera to play in the park (and say hi to dad!) before moving on to their family outings. The kids had fun playing with bubbles (really, who doesn't?), running around, playing on the swings, and digging in sand.

Next we went home for a nap. Oh! But not before making it about 20 feet from Kate's house when Abby tells us, "I got my chocolate bunny open!" Are you serious?!?! All white?!?! I told Kyle to pull over and that girl had a blanket wrapped around her from neck to toes!!! The whole way home, Kyle and I were telling her, "Keep your hand high in the air Abby." "Don't touch anything!" Then Kyle tells her to lick her hand...

...oh, chocolate Easter bunny, you are not my friend :(

When we got home, the Easter Bunny had visited Abby and brought her a cool, new singing/dancing bunny and a pretty, new strawberry necklace. Pictures below are of her checking them out.

What? It sings AND dances!

It took awhile to convince her the necklace was for her, not the bunny.

After nap, we headed to Papa and Nana's house for an Easter egg hunt and some yummy dinner ;) We did watch Alvin and the Chipmunks: the Squeakwel and Abby learned some verses to All the Single Ladies ;)

I'm already looking forward to coloring eggs and eating lots of yummy food next year!

Abby's first photograph!

God Bless, everyone! Love, the Dosil family

1 comment:

  1. Mrs.Dosil,she is adorable! I miss you so much! My blog is called!
