Wednesday, October 14, 2009

So it's been awhile...sorry :(

I really would like to apologize for lapsing on my posts (there really is no excuse, but I'll try anyway...). We get busy. Is that good enough? Maybe not? How about, "I was trying to get ready for the 1st quarter to end, and be away from my classroom right before on a business day, plus taking care of a child who is now on her 9th round of croup."? You'll settle...I truly appreciate it ;)

To be honest, nothing super exciting or worthy of some magnificent revelation has happened since I last posted, but I'll share what I can rummage up:

1. My 29th birthday. It was a blast! We had some of our awesome and amazing friends over on Friday night and had yummy food and drinks. And I must give major credit to my darling hubby for organizing the treats with my girlfriends. You can see the beautiful (and delicious) cake my friend Holly made for me. It had daisies, my FAVORITE, thanks Hol!

2. Julian's 4th birthday. What a great kid to share my birthday weekend with! He had such a great time with all of his fun cousins and friends- pinata and all ;)

Me and my little cousin, Greggy- he's a firefighter in a far-off, distant land...

If you look carefully, you can see the worm my daughter spotted (it's to the left of her sucker).

Here is Julian, holding the worm ;)

This is Abby and Julian examining the worm after moving it halfway across the yard.
They decided he must not have been happy where he was before...

"Woo Hoo! You've got a worm!"

Abby & Maeleigh: These girls are trouble!!!

What's a little football when you are in HUGE yard!

Hello, down there!

3. Round 9 of croup with Miss Abby. Never fails, October weather settles in and I begin to count the days into the month until I hear that distinctive bark, I mean, cough... this time we made it 6 days into the month- woo hoo! Oh well, it doesn't scare me anymore, it really is a way of life for us throughout the months of October through March :( I woke up at 2:07am on the dot to one, count it, ONE barking cough and knew that we were in for it. At least it was before Fall Break and not during it so we could enjoy our time together more!!! This time, her doctor even prescribed a nebulizer for us to keep at home so no more trips to Urgent Care for a breathing treatment in the middle of the night- I am sure on some level you can understand why this is so exciting and such a blessing for us. If you can't, well, thank your lucky stars! So anyway, all of you gambling folks out there...Kyle and I are taking bets as to how many times Abby gets croup this winter. Is that terrible? Maybe so, but we need to find the humor in it somewhere...Please keep her in your prayers ;)

She wasn't too sure about this...

...but she's a pro now!

4. Fall Break!!! Does that say it all? It should ;) Sadly, I do not have any pictures of how I spent my first few days of Fall Break. It was amazing, seriously, I'm not kidding. I don't know if I have an illness in my head or what, but it is the one break I really look forward to because I know I get to CLEAN MY HOUSE!!! There is nothing like the satisfaction you get from scrubbing your house from top to bottom (except blinds and our 'junk room'- not touching that one with a 10 ft. pole without Kyle's help!). I did it all (again, with the exception of those said items listed above): baseboards, door frames, the faces of the doors, moved couches and cleaned the floors beneath them (oh how embarrassing it is when your husband asks if the dust you are holding in your rag is chinchilla hair- nope, just plain ol' dirt honey), moved some pictures around, donated a car load of stuff to Goodwill...I really could go on and on, but it is just simply beautiful, and SOOOOO satisfying ;) How long do you think I can keep my husband and daughter tied up to keep it this way?
I HAD to add a picture of my favorite cleaning agents!!!
(from the left: Holy Cow Glass Cleaner, Holy Cow All-Purpose Cleaner, Orange Glo- for wood, and my NEW favorite...Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day in Geranium scent!!!).
Tools of the trade: a small Clorox scrub brush, a microfiber washcloth, and a pet hair remover ;)

Align Center
Anyhow, enough about my craziness ;) The 2nd half of Fall Break will prove to be more fun to 'normal' people like you- hanging out with the cousins, getting our ceilings textured (what? that's not fun to everyone?), and camping with our friends. I'll post pictures of that later!

Ciao! 'Til next time (which won't be this long...)